Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who cooked dinner?

My kids and husband think this question is hilarious and I've come to expect it every time we sit down for a family dinner.

It all started last year when my husband and my oldest were back home in OH and my youngest and I were in FL for a spell.  With us in different locales, my husband had to make dinners.  One of our favorites is quesadillas.  I usually just make cheese as the kids can be picky at times.  Well, my husband didn't want just cheese so bought pre-cooked meat slices and put it in the quesadilla.  Well, Freddy thought this was the best thing and told Lance that he cooks better than Mom and he LOVED telling me how awesome Dad's quesadillas are.  And so it starts...

So when we all got back together and we'd have a big dinner, the boys would ask who made dinner.  If I said it was me, I'd get groans and moans that they don't like the food.  If Lance has made it, of course the food would be the bestest food in the world.  Gotta love my kids.  There is no loyalty to Mom in this house.

When I made dinner, a few times we'd tell the boys that Dad made it and the dinner would get rave reviews then Lance and I would just roll our eyes and laugh.  Of course, the boys have caught on that we always say that Dad cooked dinner now even when they see me cooking.  So now the boys mix it up on which of us make the bestest food.  Usually that person is in good standing for a week or so then it has to be switched up again.

Just one of the funny everyday things that make me smile.  Have a good day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Warped Humor

I really miss my daily Far Side comic; but Scott Hilburn helps make up for it some with his wacky “The Argyle Sweater” comic.  Between Calvin and Hobbes, Zits and The Argyle Sweater my morning can be made with a daily chuckle from these witty characters.

The other side of me liking these comics is my sister just doesn't get it.  Well she gets it; but doesn't understand why I find them funny.  SO the odder the comic the more I want to post it because I like to get a response out of her.  I guess that's what siblings like to do, especially me. :)

My saving grace is that my dad and I have the same sense of humor, so I know where I get it from.  If no one else in my household finds a comic funny, I know I can send it to him and he'll get it.  I remember telling my mom about a Pearls Before Swine strip I posted to Facebook.  As we were talking about it and probably my sisters comments to it, you can hear my dad in the background laughing.  My mom asks him what's so funny and he asked her if she got to the comics yet. He had just gotten to that strip.   So with that, here's another one.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The boys forgot to set their alarm for school this morning which prompted a trip down memory lane.  It was Freddy's reaction this morning that led to my daily smile.  Now for the back story...

First, my boys love to be tickled.  I mean LOVE IT!  We have tickle monster fights at least once a week at a minimum. Soooo when the boys were younger, to wake them up I'd sing the first verse to the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Of course the spider had to crawl and be washed out on their backs.  I'd then take role of the "spider" a little further.  The spider would have to have a safe spot so he wouldn't get washed out again.  This would usually mean tickling their arm pit, neck or behind their ear until the child woke up.  Most times this worked.

Now back to this morning.  Well the alarm didn't go off, so I had to go up and wake the boys.  I did a singsong voice asking them to wake them up and then took off their covers.  I could tell Freddy was awake; but not moving.  He was laying on his stomach.  I was about to get irritated with him when I heard him say, "I need the spider."  It made me laugh that my big 6th grader wanted and was looking forward to our old routine of the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Of course, Jacob on the top bunk heard what was going on and immediately laid back down on his stomach so the spider could find him too.

It was a wonderful way to start my morning with a laugh.  May you and your family enjoy the small routines within your life.  You never know how much of a big impact they'll have later on.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thought I’d share some of my happy thoughts....

I got this idea of the 360 Project where you take a picture each day.  Pictures are nice; but I thought wouldn't it be nice to share something silly or nice and be able to go back through your year and see what impacts those little moments have on you.

Everyday we hear so much bad news that can easily bring you down.  We get clobbered with this news; but everyday there are happy moments that make you smile too. It is my hope that by sharing items that make me smile will in turn make you smile and you can bring that smile to someone else.  It would be wonderful if everyday we could make someone new smile.

Today's Smile: Morning or After School Snuggles

During the summer I traditionally wake before the boys because I need to work and it’s summer for them, so they take advantage of that.  I have the wonderful blessing with my work, to be able to work from home.  Most of the time this is a wonderful thing, especially in the mornings when I start to hear the thuds of feet hitting the floor signaling the waking of boys.

Every morning, the first thing each boy does (Jacob is usually up first) is come to my office and sits in my lap.  They curl up into a tight of a ball as they can and rest their head on my shoulder and we sit there quietly each morning for a minute or two.  Sometimes we talk about a dream they had or what their plans are for the day; but mostly just enjoy each other and make sure we start our day saying “I love you” to each other.  Freddy is getting bigger and it’s taking some finagling to get him to fit on my lap but we always manage.

On school days, our snuggle has moved to the afternoon when they get off the bus.  I love hearing how their days have gone (good and bad).  I tell both of them it’s going to be a sad day when they won’t fit on my lap anymore for these snuggles.  I guess at that time, we’ll have to alter our routine and find another snuggle spot. 

I don’t know what the rest of our day will hold; but it’s precious to me knowing we spend part of our day this way and will do the same the following day despite what happened the day before.  As a mom I secretly hope that my boys will always want to have a "snuggle" with mom, but I am a realist and know there will come a time that they’ll forget, won’t think about it, think it’s silly.  Until that time, I’m going to enjoy and SMILE!